And the brood is on!

14 Feb

It’s barely spring in Albuquerque, but already my backyard colony is ramping up for the big bloom! It hit 50°F this afternoon and the girls were soaring like tiny eagles.


Which is all to say the queen has increased her egg production and the workers are out looking for food and water. Food? There’s none to be found yet in Albuquerque — not even the elm or sumac are blooming. But water? They’re drinking like champagne on New Year’s Eve.

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If you haven’t set out water for your hives yet, consider doing so. Even if it freezes at night, the girls will be out on a warm day looking for a source of hydration to mix with pollen for “bee bread”, so it’s safest to ensure they find yours.

NOTE: I’ve found it takes about a week for my bees to find a new source of water, so yet another reason to start watering earlier than you might think.

2 Responses to “And the brood is on!”

  1. lazlo February 15, 2013 at 12:28 am #

    I don’t keep any bees yet, but hopefully I will in the near future. I learn new things every time I open your newsletter! Keep up the good work and keep spreading your word.

  2. Talking With Bees April 1, 2013 at 7:00 am #

    How are the bees?

    Laying Workers killed my Queenbee, so I don’t have any bees at present. Hoping to catch an early swarm in April or May.

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