Archive | October, 2011

Honey for Thanksgiving! Recipes that Support Local Bees

27 Oct

Sugar? How very unauthentic. How very, dare I say, un-American.

This Thanksgiving, why not go old-school with a healthy dose of honey added to your traditional recipes? European colonists brought honeybees to North America in 1622, so you can be sure that cooking with honey from your local beekeeper is the original Patriot Act.

Honey Pumpkin Pie

Honey Pumpkin Pie


Burnt Honey Cranberry Sauce | Orange Cinnamon Honey Cranberries | Honey Mustard Cranberry Sauce


Whiskey Honey-Glazed Turkey | Soy & Honey Glazed Turkey  | Turkey Roasted in Honey


Honey Balsamic Roasted Sprouts | Brussels with Sriracha, Honey & Lime | Roasted Sprouts with Honey & Pecan


Ginger-Honey Pumpkin Pie | Honey Pecan Pie with Bourbon Cream | Honey Pecan Pumpkin Pie

The Secret World of Beekeepers

13 Oct

Once a month, the initiates gather. From all corners of the ancient Rio Grande valley, we come like seekers on the clandestine path. Once a month, we enter the hallowed chambers…

In other words, here’s what goes down at beekeeping meetings throughout the year for Albuquerque beeks.

October 2011 ABQ Beekeepers meeting October 2011 ABQ Beekeepers meeting October 2011 ABQ Beekeepers meeting
2011 Spring Field Day Continue reading

The Pollen Files: Chamisa

10 Oct

Though lacking a certain pizzazz, a certain, ahem…. radioactivity found elsewhere in New Mexican chamisa, our backyard shrubs bloom gloriously each fall and right when our beehives need the protein for winter. As we speak, the lurid market is open for business.

Chamisa (Ericameria nauseosa) may smell like a wet armpit and cause allergies to flare, but it’s xeric and reliable and a tasty high-protein sunburst for both native and European bees.

Pollen baskets full from the chamisa market